Friday, November 27, 2015

Setting our hearts on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith

Today we set up our tree and put up most of our decorations.  It was a fun time.  Many times the kids wanted to bicker or argue.  I kept reminding them to focus on the real reason for doing this.  It's not just because it is pretty, or fun.  We are doing this to not only make good memories to carry them into their lives adults. We are not only doing it to create traditions.  We are doing it to celebrate the birth of Jesus.  He is our reason for life. For everything.  We set our hearts on Him each day, no matter what that day is.  He is the author of our Faith, and the Finisher.  His birth reminds us that we are here for a purpose, a plan, a destiny.  He came that we might Glorify God and enjoy Him forever.  I don't want to  lose sight of that during this busy time. I want us to SLOWWWWWW down, and take time to focus on what is real.  I am going to be purposeful to make Jesus our focus this Holiday Season.  
How about you?  Set a goal to spend time with the Lord daily focusing Him.  Resting in Him.  Don't get so caught up in the business of this season.  It's good to give gifts. It's good to decorate, bake and have fun together. I love this season for all of those things.  But, I want to be real about why we are doing it all.  

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